Bossie's Biltong Beer's Best Buddy
The Bossie's family (of Dutch and English decent) decided to emmigrate to England from South Africa back in 2008. We struggled to find good quality biltong for a long time and felt that we were destined to eat boot leather for the rest of our lives. That was until we were gifted our first biltong box by a friend.
Neville, having studied to be a blockman (butcher) back in SA, immediately started developing his recipe and sourced his first beef silverside muscle from Smithfields Meat Market in the early hours of one weekday morning. Through a lot of trial and error we finally decided on a recipe that we were happy with. And so began our journey into deliciousness...
To this day we use the same supplier at Smithfields and only buy the highest quality Australian, Argentinian and Uruguayan beef silversides. Why imported beef I hear you ask? Well it's simple... We found that by using beef from the southern hemosphere, we were able to get closer to the traditional South African biltong taste and texture that we love and enjoy and we are certain that you'll love it too.