The Middlesex Chilli Festival 20th - 21st May 2023 Bedfont Football Club, TW14 9QT

Times may vary due to over running.

Saturday line-up

On Stage Act
11.15-12.00 Resolution Dance Company
12.00-13.00 Breathe Band 
13.15-14.15  Marky Dawson
14.30-15.30 Dan Pride 
15.45-16.45 Chilli Eating Comp 
17.00-18.00 Smokey Joe & The Bandits
18.15-19-15  Smokey Joe & The Bandits

Sunday line-up

On Stage Act
11.15-12.00 Resolution Dance Company
12.00-13.00 Cover Kollective Duo 
13.15-14.15 Megan Collins 
14.30-15.30 Megan Collins 
15.45-16.45 Chilli Eating Comp
17.00-18.00 DJ Gary OC
18.15-19-15 DJ Gary OC
Book Tickets